In an extraordinary and unexpected twist of fate, candidate selection for Calder Valley Labour was paused and reopened to new entrants on 30TH November 2017. The objective was to achieve improved gender balance on the candidate shortlist.
My application was accepted and I was interviewed by the selection panel on Saturday 20TH January 2018.
The selection process is (rightly) governed by various rules and regulations, especially about what exact campaigning is allowable at different stages of the process. Out of a strong desire to avoid contravening the rules, I posted no further mention of my involvement until now. Apologies for the silence, but you know where I’m coming from.
The shortlist was formally announced at 9AM today and it gives me considerable pleasure to tell you that I’m on it, together with 3 other brilliant candidates (i.e. 4 total). It’s really is a great shortlist, wide open, plenty of choice, I think the CLP have done us proud.
The process will conclude with the hustings then vote at Halifax Minster on 10:15 on Saturday February 3rd.
I’m in an unsually busy period at work at the moment and I take my responsibility as an employer seriously. Today was mostly spent ensuring that I’ll be more available later in the campaign when the tempo picks up and we discover what each of the candidates is really made of.
It’s a crazy challenge to design, plan and execute a political campaign from scratch in 12 days, not least because some candidates might have had a head start or more practise. But I can hardly complain, my whole campaign pitch is built on the idea that the Labour party – and the country – have changed so much in the last couple years, that the old ways of campaigning are important, but no longer enough *on their own*.
I’m saying that campaigns need enough innovation, engagement and accountability to unseat the established incumbent, and while that idea is aimed squarely at Craig Whittaker and the next general election, it’s also what I’ll be trying to demonstrate over the next couple of weeks.
Not everything I try out will work (of course, it never does), but I’ll be honest and accountable as we go, keeping my campaign simple, measurable and superbly well organised over the next fortnight.
Assuming the skills and experience are as per what I’ve presented in my application 🤞🏽 you will begin to see my campaign materialise toward the end of this week, before hitting full speed next week, just in time for the hustings.
Thank you everyone who has supported me along the way. Your kind messages helped me keep it together during the period when it looked as though we’d never make it this far.
Watch this space. We can do this.